Make-Believe (R20): Submodel Cleanup

The focus in this version was cleaning up some of the rougher edges (and outright breakages) from the introduction of submodels. So, it’s now possible to move nodes between submodels from the node context menu. It’s possible to remove all the submodel information from a network using the Network -> Flatten Network command. And it’s …

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Make-Believe (R19): ((Sub)Sub)Submodels

Submodels are now supported. Submodel nodes are rendered with thick borders to distinguish them from variable nodes. You need to double-click them (as per GeNIe) to open them up, and when you’re in a submodel, the parent model can be accessed by double-clicking the ‘..’ node (obviously inspired by command line navigation) in the top …

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Make-Believe (R18): Now in Colour

Node colours and formats are now fully supported (create/read/update/delete), however the behaviour deviates from GeNIe a little to allow for “default” (or unspecified) colours. This relies on assuming default colours are the intent if the formatting of a node has been left at GeNIe’s defaults. I’m not happy with this approach, but I can’t think …

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